Flight Report Fw 190/711
Nr. 1
Werk Flughafen 

Date: Flug. Nr.: Take-off: Landing: Duration Pilot:
14.10.42 22 1107 1134 27' Siedenbiedel
  23 1207 1224 17' Siedenbiedel
  24 1500 1556 56' Siedenbiedel
  25 1701 1721 20' Siedenbiedel


Condition:   Production

Engine BMW 801 D II/25543
Take-off weight: 12,687 lbs. (G = 3867 kg) , s = 0.49 m
Armament: 2 MG 17, 2 MG 151 with ammunition.
Close engine cowl
Apparatus bay doors with split flaps are replaced with gill flaps with covered gills.
(Winter emergency equipment as per BSK 834).


1. Determination of the cylinder temperatures with combat power
a)   in climb,
b)   in level flight at 1,640 feet (500 meter) height
2. Establishing level speeds.
3. Determining the rpm limit at which the maximum cylinder temperatures are not exceeded (stationary test).


1a) The climb at combat power, to determine the cylinder temperatures, had to be discontinued at 19,685 feet (6000 meters) altitude, since the short-term permissible cylinder temperatures were exceeded (see Graph 1). 230° was reached, resulting in 240° when corrected to CINA conditions.
Based on previous measurements, a further increase in temperature of about 10° is expected up to the reversal height of the cylinder temperatures. This therefore results in highest cylinder temperatures of ~ 250° C in climb with the Winter emergency equipment at CINA conditions.
Climbs with covered gills can therefore be carried out, without exceeding the 220° limit, only with an outside air temperature gradient which is 15° under the CINA-temperature gradient. This corresponds to a sea level temperature of 0° C.
1b) Based on the hottest summer day, the temperatures near sea level in level flight are 205° C. For the assumed operational temperature gradient tCINA – 15° C, the cylinder temperatures near sea level therefore reach a maximum of 175° C.
2.) Graph 2 shows level speeds flown with combat power:

Full throttle height was  Hb = 19,029 feet (5800 meters).
Speeds obtained in full throttle height Vwc = 405 mph (651 km/h).
At sea level (0 meters) Vwc = 336 (540 km/h).

3.) The rpm limit on the stand, where the permissible cylinder temperatures are just reached, could not be run at the current air temperature (nearly CINA) for the operating temperature (-15 CINA). However, it should, according to Graph 3, be at approximately 2100 + 2300 rpm, considerably above the specified warm up rpm. Normal warming up can be done with the sealed gills for winter operations without overheating the cylinders.

Wenzendorf, 24.10.1942.

Level speeds with combat power


Flugbericht FW 190/711 Nr. 1 (pdf)

Translation by Jörn Dietrich and Mike Williams

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