Flight Report Fw 190/783
Nr. 5
Werk Flughafen 

Date: Flight. Nr.: Take-off: Landing: Pilot:
19.3.1943 62   900   948 Bartsch
23.3.1943 63 1307 1337 Mehlhorn
31.3.1943 64 1035 1108 Bartsch
  2.4.1943 65 1145 1207 Bartsch
  2.4.1943 66 1230 1245 Kampmeier
  5.4.1943 67 1438 1502 Bartsch
  5.4.1943 68 1600 1647 Kampmeier



Engine BMW 801 D2/20208
Close engine cowl.
Cowl flaps with opening angle indicator.
Armament: 2 MG 17, 2 MG 151 with ammunition.
Take-off weight: 8,532 pounds (G = 3870 kg)
MG FF - belt hatches.
Normal intake with internal air intake supply.


1. Level speeds at take-off power (n = 2700 rpm) with low supercharger gear.
a)   p1 = 1.42 ata normal
b)   p1 = p blower (preliminary test for Methanol addition)


By unscrewing the stop screw for the take-off boost pressure limit, the cylinders were supplied with full blower pressure. Blower pressure obtained in the stationary test at n = 2700 rpm was p blower = 1.54 ata. The blower pressures obtained in the level speed test flights are shown on the attached graph. At sea level, (0 meters) p blower = p1 = 1.7 ata was obtained with ram utilization. The corresponding speed was found to be v = 377 mph (607 km/h). This performance increase corresponds to an increase in engine output of about 450 - 500 PS. Whether use can be made of this power increase, through higher blower pressure, depends on the thermal stress of the engine. In this case, the thermal conditions most likely would not allow a longer use of this higher engine power, as the injection pumps are probably adjusted for the lesser, originally set engine power. Therefore it is probable, that the engine, which did not break down in this test, was flown with a much too lean mixture. Whether the permissible cylinder temperatures of only 180°C in level flight with combat power, have been exceeded or will be exceeded, would need to be clarified separately.

Langenhagen, 9. April 1943

Level speeds with take-off or combat power


Flugbericht FW 190/783 Nr. 5 (pdf)

Translation by Jörn Dietrich and Mike Williams

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