
1. Introduction.

...........The results of weighing and centre of gravity determination, details of loading in accordance with preliminary draft of A.P.2925A, Vol.1, Sect. 4, Chap.1 and centre of gravity range form the subject of this report.

2. Weight summary.

Load"A" normal fighter
"B" Maximum
Tare weight (to Appendix "A", serial No. 3007)62886288
Service load10561235
Fuel 140 galls. @ 7.2 lb/gall10081008
Oil 10.1 galls. @ 9.0 lb/gall 91 91
Flying weights8443 lb.8622 lb.

3. Maximum capacity of tanks..

Fuel140 gallons.
Oil10.1 gallons

4. Centre of gravity..

....4.1. The centre of gravity with the above loads measured parallel to the datum line and relative to the datum point (see Fig. 1) are:-

"A" Normal Fighter:-0.6" aft.
"B" Maximum:-1.1" aft.

....4.2. The centre of gravity range due to dissipation of load is from 2.3" forward of datum to 1.9" aft of datum and is obtained by the expenditure of items 8 and 9 and items 21 and 22 (see para. 5) reduced to a total fuel and oil supply sufficient for a half hour's continuous running of the engine at maximum power permissible at ground level which produces the forward limit. The aft limit is obtained with item 4 expended for the maximum load.

....4.3. The basic aft limit is extended to 2.7" aft by the addition of 1% of the standard Mean Chords for test purposes.

....4.4. The centre of gravity of the aeroplane in a light loaded condition of "Tare" plus pilot at 170 lb. and fuel and oil reduced as in 4.2 falls within the centre of gravity quoted in 4.2.

....4.5 The moment effect due to undercarriage retraction is -2.600 in/lb. and moves the forward centre of gravity to 2.6" forward and the aft to 2.4" aft including extension.

5. Loading Details..

AG351 Loading

6. Leading particulars.

....6.1. Overall dimensions.

Span37" 0"
Length31' 11"
Height (minimum)9' 5"
Height (over propeller disc)11' 3"

....6.2. Disposition of crew.

Pilot13!5" aft of datum point

....6.3 Undercarriage.

TypeInward retracting
Track11' 10"
Wheels27 6 ply. type S.C. Goodyear
Shock absorbing gearBendix pneudraulic

....6.4 Wing areas and loading.

Surface of main plane:Gross = 233 sq.ft.
Surface of main plane:Nett = 198 sq.ft.
Weight /sq.ft.Gross = 37 lb.
Weight /sq.ft.Nett = 43.5 lb.


[Performance Trials] [Handling Trials]